Time to Leave - Chapter 1

1. Group assignments are to be unconditionally avoided in the academy (2)

"It could happen to us at least once."

"That's right. There's a saying that doubt can trap people." (T/N: people's assumptions can lead to bigger problems)

They don't know the reality yet.

“Think about it, guys. If there is a chance that you will become friends with those people, there is also a chance that the relationship will get worse.”


“Do you know how awkward it is to have a high-status person in your group? Even if that person brings up a dirty subject, you should praise him unconditionally, and if that person favors some people and just gives you more work, you can't even say a word. ”

"Hey, even if it's unfair, how bad can it be?"

"That's right. And if it drives to that direction, what can happen?"

I stared at them and held up my second finger.

"Never be the leader."


“If you follow my first advice, the leader will definitely be that person of high status. However, if you are in the same group with others of a similar status, the story will be different. If we are in the same group with others of similar status, everyone will try to give that role to someone else.”

"It's annoying, but if you go for it, you get extra points."

"Isn't it better to take it and lead the way I want?"

It isn't unheard of to say that you look before you leap. Even if a classmate with a similar level said this and that, it wouldn't matter. But this time I held up my third finger without needing to talk about it.

"Never go with Professor Oliver even if the others don't cooperate."

"But Professor Oliver told me to come immediately if there was any problem while doing the group assignments?"

"That's just what he say."

"It's strange, Professor Oliver seems like a nice person."

Anna and Claire returned to the bedroom with confused faces. As I looked at them and expressed my condolences, I heard a friendly voice from behind.

"Wow, now that you're in your second year, are you advising your juniors?"

I turned my head. The first thing that caught my eye was the warm brown hair that matched the friendly voice and the lowered eyebrows like a puppy. The man said as he curved his cool green eyes into a crescent shape.

"That's great, Cecil."

He was a childhood friend and member of the Fencing School, Michael Camelia. He was going after he finished training, so Michael was covered in dirt. I asked, raising my hand to dust him off.

"Since when have you been here?"

““Since you gave the third advice. By the way, your tips don't seem to be helpful for the juniors, do they?"

I laughed bitterly.

"Leave it. Sometimes you have to experience it for yourself to understand it."

And a few days later, Anna and Claire came over and asked seriously.

"Senior, do you know how to hit Lee Cho Won and pretend it's a mistake?"

"How much does it cost to hire an assassin?"

I told Michael, who was drinking coffee next to me.

"Look, was I right?"

"Yes, you were."

I raised my hand and called the waiter.

“When Lee Cho Won enters, time carefully and close the door feigned carelessness. And with the money to hire the killer, buy yourself delicious food. Professor Oliver is not worthy enough to pay an expensive commission.

I ordered pancakes for two people. The two said as they ate the pancakes.

“I'm sorry, senior. To be honest, I thought fists shouldn't be used under any circumstances, but violence isn't just physical."

“I understand why the senior hit him. Wow, I don't have an answer."

"From now on, I will actively explain to my peers that the senior is not crazy."

"Yes, thank you."

After eating half of the pancake, Anna asked frankly.

"Oh, but don't you have any group assignments this semester?"

"Yeah, I don't have any group assignments this semester."

Claire's eyes sparkled.

"Wow, really?"

"Yes. It's hard and tiring, but I only took classes from teachers who didn't do group assignments. It is worthwhile to pray diligently in the temple."

Both eyes filled with envy.

"I'm so jealous."

"Are you jealous? Be jealous of yourself."

I got to stretch.

“I had a hard time in my first year, so I didn't want to do any group assignments this semester, but I'm really happy. I think I will be able to go to school with peace of mind this semester.”

And the next day, I stared at Professor Werte.
